
Toedebusch RG, Lucchesi CA, Debebe ET, Wittenburg LA, Chen S, and Toedebusch CM. Microglia-derived olfactomedin-like 3 Promotes Pro-tumorigenic Microglial Function and Glioma Cell Malignancy. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021; 2;22(23):13052. PMID 34884869.

Murthy VM, Li CF, Hicks J, Kroll, J, Giuffrida M, Dickinson PJ, and Toedebusch, CM. Serum phosphorylated neurofilament heavy chain as a diagnostic biomarker for progressive myelomalacia in dogs with thoracolumbar intervertebral disc herniation. J Vet Intern Med. 2021; 35(5): 2366-2373. PMID 34476832.

Toedebusch, RG, Grodzki, AC, Dickinson, PF, Woolard, K, Vinson, NV, Sturges, BK, Snyder, J, Li, CF, Nagasaka, OM, Consales, BC, Vernau, KM, Knipe, MF, Murthy, VM, Lein, PJ and Toedebusch, CM. Glioma-associated microglia/macrophages augment tumorigenicity in canine astrocytoma, a naturally occurring model of human glioma. NeuroOncology Advances. 2021; 4;3(1). PMID 34131649.

View all publications by Christine Toedebusch and Ryan Toedebusch on PubMed